Navigating Your Life with Dr. Nat Williams


Highlighted Child from show airing 6-7-10

Intelligent, charming and outgoing, Brian, 12, participates in a wide range of activities. He enjoys the outdoors, riding his bike, and playing sports. A video game enthusiast, he delights in visiting arcades and testing his skills. Brian also has a creative side. When given wrestling action figures, he used his imagination to make an arena for them. Brian wants to be a police officer when he grows up.

In the fifth grade, Brian receives special education services and benefits from the small class size. Very intelligent, he has an excellent sense of direction, which is apparent when he is riding in a car and confidently informs the driver the best way to get from one place to another. You can be sure you will never get lost when Brian is by your side.

Brian yearns for a home of his own. A two-parent family that would provide a stable, consistent environment and one-on-one attention would be ideal for this youngster.

For adoption information, access the National Adoption Center’s website at

For further information on Brian, contact:


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